North Korean Movies:

"The Flower Girl" (1972) - Directed by Choe Ik-kyu, this classic film is often cited as one of North Korea's cinematic masterpieces. Set against the backdrop of Japanese occupation, the story revolves around a young girl's journey of resilience and sacrifice.

"Sea of Blood" (1971) - Directed by Kim Ki-nam, "Sea of Blood" is an epic revolutionary opera that tells the story of a family's struggle against oppression during the Japanese colonial period. The film is known for its ideological fervor and patriotic themes.

"The Schoolgirl's Diary" (2006) - Directed by Jang In-hak, this drama explores the lives of students at a Pyongyang school. While providing glimpses into North Korean society, the film also incorporates elements of loyalty and self-sacrifice.

"Pulgasari" (1985) - Directed by Shin Sang-ok, a South Korean director kidnapped by the North Korean regime, "Pulgasari" is a unique fantasy film featuring a mythical creature that aids peasants in their fight against an oppressive regime.

"The Tale of Chun Hyang" (1980) - Directed by Kim Kil-in, this film is an adaptation of a traditional Korean folk tale. It explores themes of love, loyalty, and resistance against injustice, set in a historical context.

North Korean Series:

"The Country I Saw" (1987) - This television series, directed by Choe Ik-kyu, is a historical drama set during the Japanese colonial period. It follows the lives of characters engaged in the resistance against the occupation.

"A Traffic Controller on Crossroads" (1989) - Directed by Choe Ik-kyu, this series provides a glimpse into the lives of traffic controllers and their dedication to ensuring order and safety on the streets of Pyongyang.

"Boy Commander" (2006) - Directed by Ri Yong-bok, this children's series follows the adventures of a young boy named Kim Hyok as he becomes a pioneer and engages in various activities aimed at promoting socialist values.

"The Respected Mother" (2012) - Directed by Kim Jong-un's brother, Kim Jong-chul, this series portrays the life of a model mother who dedicates herself to the upbringing of her children and the service of the state.

"The Flower Girl's Youth" (2002) - This series is an extension of the original film "The Flower Girl." It follows the characters into their youth, providing further insight into their struggles and aspirations