Japanese Movies:

"Seven Samurai" (1954) - Directed by Akira Kurosawa, this classic masterpiece is renowned for its epic tale of samurai defending a village from bandits. It's a cornerstone of world cinema.

"My Neighbor Totoro" (1988) - A Studio Ghibli classic directed by Hayao Miyazaki, this enchanting animated film follows two sisters and their whimsical encounters with forest spirits, including the iconic Totoro.

"Ringu" (1998) - Directed by Hideo Nakata, this horror film is a cornerstone of the J-horror genre, featuring a mysterious videotape that leads to a terrifying curse.

"Spirited Away" (2001) - Another Studio Ghibli masterpiece by Hayao Miyazaki, this animated film tells the story of a young girl navigating a magical world to rescue her parents.

"Departures" (2008) - Directed by Yojiro Takita, this heartfelt drama explores the traditional Japanese funeral rites through the eyes of a cellist who becomes an encoffiner.

"Your Name" (2016) - Directed by Makoto Shinkai, this anime film revolves around two teenagers who mysteriously swap bodies and embark on a quest to meet each other.

Japanese Series:

"Midnight Diner: Tokyo Stories" (2009-2019) - This heartwarming series, based on a manga, revolves around the patrons of a small Tokyo diner and the stories that unfold during the midnight hours.

"Terrace House: Boys & Girls in the City" (2015-2016) - A reality television series that follows six strangers living together in a beautiful house, providing a fascinating glimpse into Japanese social dynamics.

"My Little Monster" (2012) - This romantic comedy-drama series, based on the manga, explores the unconventional relationship between a studious girl and a troublemaker.

"Samurai Gourmet" (2017) - A delightful series that follows a retired man exploring the world of food and his own desires, guided by the spirit of a wandering samurai.

"Alice in Borderland" (2020) - Based on the manga, this thrilling series follows a group of friends who find themselves in a mysterious parallel Tokyo where they must participate in deadly games to survive.

"Hibana: Spark" (2016) - Adapted from the novel, this series explores the struggles and aspirations of two comedians navigating the competitive world of stand-up comedy in Tokyo.